Welcome to Women Who Spark Midlife Makeover

Designed to help you reignite and reinvent your life for an amazing second half—and to wake up every day excited for what lies ahead. 

Midlife Makeover will help you SPARK into A.C.T.I.O.N. You will go from feeling restless, unsure, unfulfilled—maybe even stuck—to reigniting the spark that life has extinguished! 

You’ll actually have dreams…along with the confidence that you can achieve them!

This eight-module online course will give you the opportunity to think about who you are today, along with your current levels of satisfaction and fulfillment in ten areas of life….then help you create a blueprint for moving toward a future filled with day-to-day happiness and confidence, combined with a clear sense of purpose for your future. 

Women Who Spark Midlife Makeover is designed to help you create and lean into a vision of your future amazing self! 

During Midlife Makeover, as a woman who SPARKS INTO A.C.T.I.O.N., you’ll move along six stages of your success journey:

A = Assess your current life

C = Create SPARKS in your ordinary everyday life

T = Turn your SPARKS into joy 

I = Investigate your future dreams

O = Organize your strategy

N = Navigate toward your amazing future self

While we’ve heard the adage, “Life is short,” we can give equal attention to the reality that “Life is long.”  You may have as many decades ahead of you as you have behind you in your adult life!    

Perhaps—like so many women—you are coming out of a messy middle of life. 

There is too much going on in the busy years of life to not be affected in some way. 

Many women reach a stage they might think of as “midlife disappointment.”  

  • This isn’t what I thought my life would be. 
  • Why do the women around me seem to have a life that’s operating more smoothly than mine? 
  • Who am I? 
  • What happened? 
  • Will I ever be truly happy again? 
If you’re thinking any of these things, you are not alone! 

Almost every woman I’ve talked to in midlife is struggling in some way. They’ve crossed a desert—or perhaps they’re still crossing one. There is too much going on in life—much of it out of your control—for everything to be going well.  

You may be struggling with your own levels of insecurity, anxiety or uncertainty.  Or, perhaps you have difficult situations with teenage or adult children, or you’re trying to help in any number of situations involving other people both within and outside of your family. Life can wear us down.  

I’ve taken all I learned from the thousands of women I’ve worked with or whose stories I’ve heard, and I created a step-by-step process to help you create your own life blueprint to get to YOUR better place. Maybe even your best place.  


Okay, pretend you've signed up for Midlife Makeover! Let's start strong!

This is what I will ACTUALLY say to you in your welcome message....


“If you’re on the fence, DO IT! The course brought direction, purpose, calm, joy, peace…I could go on and on…into my life as I worked through the weekly lessons. It far exceeded what I hoped to gain from participating!”  ~  Melodie Lacaze

Midlife Makeover is not a program; it’s a process

Think of it as crossing a bridge to a new land—one step at a time.
Upon completion: 
âś“ If you’re like women who’ve participated in the past, you will feel happier, more confident, and eager to wake up in the morning to get your day started. 
âś“ You will have created a vision of what you want your future to look like.
âś“ You will have a plan drafted for how you will begin moving toward your future of greater confidence, happiness and sense of purpose.
âś“ You will have disciplines in place that will help you knock it out of the park. 
âś“ You will have your SPARK back! 


Midlife Makeover will help you…

Make yourself a priority again. 

  1. Replace disappointment, uncertainty and fear with confidence, certainty and hope. 
  2. Leave the guilt behind.
  3. Gain the confidence and clarity you need to design the life you deserve.
  4. Get real about the tough stuff so you can deal with it and move forward.


“The BEST life guide, encouraging, thought provoking, forward thinking, healing, strengthening self investment EVER!  I did the work! In three months, I have grown. I feel purposeful, focused and calm. Aleta’s Midlife Makeover is life-changing.”  Ellen Smith

Do you like getting into the nitty gritty? Get ready to settle in, and I’ll give you all eight modules!

In Module 1 (three lessons), you will have the opportunity to take a look at what is unresolved at this point in your life, what has triggered you into action (after all, you’re HERE), and what you would like to give yourself permission to do as you move forward into the next chapters of your life.   

I LOVE this module! In module 2 (four lessons), you’ll dig into your beliefs and explore the difficulties and disappointments you may be grappling with now. You’ll also take a quick look over the decades. Then we switch gears and explore the bridge that will take you to the new land! It’s all forward looking from here! 

In Module 3 (three lessons), you’re going to become crystal clear about your starting point. You’ll complete the online Women Who Spark Life Assessment and identify three priority areas to give your attention to.  This will set the stage for our work in Module 4.      

In Module 4 (four lessons), you’ll have some guidance on how to get some things cleaned up in your day-to-day life. It’s easy to find ourselves with a bit of a mess after two or three decades in the whirlwind. You’ll explore what you’d like to clean up before you get ready to identify and launch your future dreams. You may not know what they are at the moment, but I’m going to help you discover them!     

In Module 5 (three lessons), you’re going to envision yourself two or three or four decades into the future. What do you see in this version of you? I’ll present you with six scenarios to consider. Next, you’ll close your eyes and clearly envision this woman. Who is she? What is she doing? What does she look like? What is she enjoying?  And more!  We’re going to round out the module with a lesson on belief! Your belief in yourself today is critical. Without it, you are at risk of short changing how you spend the next 20 to 30 to 40 years. An added bonus: Create your Vision Board! 

In Module 6 (one lesson), get ready. You have some work to do!  In fact, to help you, I’m going to provide you within an entire chapter from my book, Women Who Spark After 50.” Chapter 10 is “Transform Yourself for Action,” the exact title of this module. You’re going to explore every aspect of your life, leave no stone unturned, and ensure that you are moving into your future with your eyes wide open, fully intentional about your journey across the bridge to the new land

In Module 7 (two lessons), I’m going to introduce you to a step-by-step path you can follow, kind of like your compass.  How will you know you’re making progress?  I’ll provide you with the six stages of the success path, then you’ll identify where you’re at.  

In Module 8 (four lessons), let’s bring it all together. What is your plan? And don’t worry! While I’ve had you considering your future self, your plan will start in the present, just one step at a time. 

And…your investment is SAFE!

If you are not happy with your experience, you are welcome to request a full refund anytime during the first 30 days. 

No questions asked. 

You’re not happy = You get your money back!  

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2 Monthly Payments of


(formerly $175)



Pay Upfront

1 Payment of


(formerly $297)


“If you’re thinking about this, I highly recommend going for it!  Midlife Makeover has been life changing for me in so many ways and was worth every penny. I am grateful for the help, advice and support from all of the women who took this journey with me. I’m excited about continuing to work on my plan!”  ~  Lori Choinski

How to know if you’re ready to Create A Life That Sparks!

If you’ve had any of these thoughts swirling around in your head….

  1. I have to get a handle on my overwhelmedness!
  2. I’d love to have a clearer vision of my future.
  3. I’d like to be more excited about my life. 
  4. I’ve tried so many thing to improve areas of my life, and I usually quit. 
  5. I don’t have the energy to do the things I want to do. 
  6. I don’t even know what I want to do. 
  7. I’m on auto-pilot, taking care of everyone around me. 
  8. I’m excited about the prospect of working on me! 
  9. I love the idea of going through a process with a group of women who are just like me. 
  10. I’d love to get my SPARK back! 

If you said “yes” to at least 3 of the above, I can’t wait to meet you inside Midlife Makeover! 



Pay Monthly

2 Monthly Payments of


(formerly $175)



Pay Upfront

1 Payment of


(formerly $297)


Frequently Asked Questions

What women have asked before signing up for Midlife Makeover

There is no such thing! :-)  You are welcome to go at whatever pace you would like. You can complete your work in eight weeks or eight months.

Great question! When you register, you will receive an email from me providing all of the details for accessing the course page. You'll find that it's very easy! 

You are welcome to reach out to me directly. You'll have my contact information in my email communication to you. In fact, if you have questions now, you're welcome to reach out.  [email protected]

It's easy. Within 30 days, you tell me you're not happy, and I will refund your money. No questions asked. 

Hi, I’m Aleta, and I’m excited to be your guide! 

I’m 61, the mom of a blended family of five adult children, grandma to five beautiful toddler and baby girls and one beautiful baby boy, the co-owner of a 30-year old entrepreneurial company in the leadership consulting space and the creator of all things Women Who Spark. 

My first book, Women Who Spark, was published in September of 2019, followed by Women Who Spark After 50: Inspirations to Reignite and Reinvent Your Life for the Second Half, in December of 2020.  

I'm currently working on a series of books for women over 50. Check out more about these books at WomenWhoSparkOver50.com. 

I was inspired to write my first book after coming through a tough messy middle, primarily marked by two back-to-back divorces in only seven years when I was 40 years old. That creates all kinds of chaos.

I followed a roadmap to navigate my way out of that mess and wanted to share it with other women navigating challenges. 

If you’ve lost your spark, I’d love to help you find it!  

This Midlife Makeover journey may be the perfect starting point!

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2 Monthly Payments of


(formerly $175)



Pay Upfront

1 Payment of


(formerly $297)


50% Complete

Two Step

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